

To proactively support the implementation of Restorative Practices in order to promote an equitable, safe, and inclusive environment for all within Central Oregon schools and communities.


Central Oregon schools and communities consistently implement and utilize restorative practices resulting in safe and inclusive environments in which all experience belonging, engagement, and equitable opportunities.


Goals within the Community:

In partnership with our local programs, RJ&E strives to: 

  1. Facilitate safe, supportive and welcoming environments where everyone is encouraged to find and exercise their voice and agency; 

  2. Prepare community leaders and families on the effective use of these practices; 

  3. Nurture opportunities for community members to connect and develop trusting relationships that promote a more inclusive community;

  4. Function as a resource hub providing literature, training, and gatherings to learn more about RJE


Goals within Public K-12 Schools:

  1. Grow and strengthen local schools’ multicultural equity teams and clubs; 

  2. Nurture opportunities for students to develop trusting relationships to thrive socially and academically via implementation of restorative justice practices to address harassment; 

  3. Identify and support the creation of culturally appropriate curriculum and instruction that reflect the varied cultures of students;

  4. Increase engagement and participation of marginalized students in school programs, activities, and leadership;