

Our community partners deserve a special thank you for their support.


Better Together Central Oregon is a regional, cross-sector partnership working collectively to improve education outcomes for children and youth from cradle to career.


The Latino Community Association provides quality, culturally-relevant services, in collaboration with community partners, that address the highest priority needs and aspirations of our families.


Embrace Bend’s mission is to dismantle White Supremacy through community support, learning opportunities, and advocacy.

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The Fathers Group was founded by several black fathers who were concerned about the experiences their children were having both in school and in the broader community. They met initially to share thoughts, concerns and advice, yet soon realized they needed to take more concrete action to secure our next generation’s future. The Father’s Group is Black-led, but it embraces collaboration and cross-cultural influences, operating not just a group, but also as dedicated individuals who are doing great work in the community in education, business and social services.

We would also like to thank our partners at the Bend Education Association and the Bend-La Pine School District.

The mission of the Bend Education Association is to unite the public education profession and advocate for those professionals to ensure quality public education for students in Oregon.

The mission of Bend La Pine Schools is for every student to be known by name, strength and need.

We also appreciate the support given to RJ&E from the Latinx Club, the Asian Cultures Club, the First Nations Student Union, and the Afrocentric Studies Club at Bend’s Central Oregon Community College.